Lancaster University

美 [ˈlænˌkæstər ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]英 [ˈlæŋkəstə ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]
  • 网络大学;英国;兰卡斯特;兰彻斯特大学
Lancaster UniversityLancaster University
  1. The consortium builds on Lancaster University 's position as one of the first British universities to academic cooperation with China .


  2. Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition later this month .


  3. I then went up to Lancaster University and got an upper second .


  4. Professor Cary Cooper , from the Lancaster University Management School , said stress begins to show itself through changes in behaviour .


  5. Professor Mark Smith , the vice-chancellor of Lancaster University , spoke about the links between China and the university .


  6. Cary Cooper , of Lancaster University , explains : Communication will rely on facial expressions and eye movements .


  7. Cary Cooper , professor of health psychology at Lancaster University , said it appeared that people were taking their work troubles home with them .


  8. Cary Cooper , of Lancaster University , explains : " Communication will rely on facial expressions and eye movements . "


  9. Cary Cooper , professor of business psychology at Lancaster University School of management , says a good chair will also be adept at conflict resolution .


  10. But Professor Cary Cooper , from the Lancaster University Management School , suggested that losing the stiff upper lip could improve men 's physical and mental health .


  11. The research has been conducted by Aneta Stefanovska and Peter McClintock , physics professors from Lancaster University and is funded by government grants .


  12. Psychologists from Lancaster University , The University of G ä vle , and The University of Central Lancashire say that their findings indicate music actually stymies creativity .


  13. Its author , Professor Michael Hulme of Lancaster University , names this age group " digital natives " as they have grown up in an environment rich with computer and mobile technology .


  14. Using the ' Spoken British National Corpus 2014 ' , the team at Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press will be able to shed light on the way our spoken language changes over time .


  15. Cary Cooper , professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University said there was not only a difference in how the sexes chew , but between different types of people .


  16. Knowing when to be funny shows people that you are open , likeable and not some robotic technocrat , says Cary Cooper , professor of organisational psychology at Lancaster University .


  17. And Cary Cooper , professor of organization psychology at Lancaster University , and author of Shut up and Listen : The Truth About How to Communicate at Work , said bans were counter-productive .


  18. Psychology professor Cary Cooper , from Lancaster University , said : ' It is not surprising that businesses want to employ intelligent staff but the idea that intelligent people wear glasses is an old stereotype that has not gone away .


  19. Psychology professor Cary Cooper , from Lancaster University , said : ' It is not surprising that businesses want to employ intelligent staff but the idea that intelligent people wear glasses is an old stereotype that has not gone away . '


  20. According to a recent UK Labour Force Survey , nearly 10m people work remotely some or all of the time , and a study in February 2016 by Lancaster University found that about half of all employers planned to adopt agile or flexible working by 2017 .


  21. With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .


  22. It pays until it hurts With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .
